I know I've talked about this before and it's not the first time I've thought/talked/elaborated on it. It's so true, and this article says it better than I think I ever could. Phone calls are "uncontrollable" and nobody likes not being in control. There's a demand for an immediate response, within seconds.
Depending on the type of call, it could be very imperative that what is said is thought out and said effectively. Being on the phone doesn't totally mean that you're getting that person's full attention. In an office setting, they're more than likely reading e-mail. On a cell phone, they're most definitely doing something other than focusing squarely on the call. So it's really become the least effective way to communicate, because you don't really have someone's attention.
Texts offer a sense of control and stability. You can stop, think about what you want to say, say it to it's strongest point (within 160 characters) and then not think about it until you get a response, which can be happen anywhere between a few seconds or a few hours. It's like this blog - I can take my time, write what I want, and say it as strongly as I think (or have time) to finish it, without worrying about looking like a (total) idiot.
I still get frustrated with texts because of they never seem to "end". Conversations can be drug out over hours if they're isn't rapid fire responses. There rarely seems like a "goodbye" to them, it's always one person not responding to the other. I always feel like I'm the one who sends that last text that doesn't yield a response. I say that, although I may not realize when I don't respond to someone, ending the conversation.
Depending on the person, I think what did I said to not yield a response. It's like you have to say something to warrant a response. You have to ask a question or say something ridiculous that requires a response. Otherwise you won't hear back. And then what happens? How do you start the next text? Then you double think everything. "I'm not gonna text her back, she never responds." "Why doesn't he respond to my texts." "she saw my BBM and didn't respond." That one True Life about having Digital Drama made me want to scream, but this is the world we live in. Needless to say, I'm very content to not have that in my life. For now.
It started back when instant messaging started, when it would be one person at a time speaking and you'd wait to hear back. That's not how I usually talk in real life, but I also think I talk a lot. Too much sometimes. That's why I blog, because no one responds to my texts, so I just say everything I want here. I'm kidding. Sort of. Well. This is embarssing.
P.S. the worst thing about texts? Those texts that don't say anything. The "yeah" or "umm" or "lol". Thanks for wasting my time. That's how conversations die. Next please.
The thing with texts is that it's mobile instant messaging, and with these cell phones you have no idea what the other person is doing. May not have their phone. May be at the gym. May be out to dinner. May hold onto their phone like it's a third appendage. Yet people (especially people trying to make plans/friends/relationships/drug deals) get so angry over people not responding to texts. Especially when it's a "what are you doing tonight/want to hang out" type deal and I know people who literally say "wtf how do they not answer their phone". It's true but it's stupid that this is what we've come to. The digital/non vocal way of communicating that is all text based.
I've made jokes before about online dating sites and then over the weekend had a serious talk with one of my buddies about how 1 in 5 relationships start online. 1 in 5. 20%. That might just be PR/advertising BS, but holy hell, that's terrible. Could you imagine dating someone who you've met online and sent e-mails or whatever? I really don't know anything about the process, and really don't think I should be dating any girls for the next 17 years while I figure out my life/grow up, but wow. That sounds miserable, meeting someone online. And then that awkward like first meet. I feel like all the True Life's I've seen lately say "I'm dating online." Clearly I'm watching too much True Life. Most people on that show are degenerates anyway.
This really wasn't about dating sites. I might make a post of that later of my female friend's horror stories from them. The point is, the Internet/Technology has developed that we don't communicate in person any more. It's not breaking news (although maybe @BreakingNews might tweet it, since they're idiots). It's just sad how we don't communicate anymore. I can't say I'm innocent of any of it either. I'd rather text. I've avoided phone calls to send a text later. I'd rather we didn't have the option, but we do. Can't wish it away, not going anywhere. If you give someone an easy out, they're going to take it.
Anyways, what's everyone's plan this weekend? Text me!