Okay, so, now that we got that out of the way. This post is going to be long and I'm going to look like a total nerd. Deal with it.
This is it. The Final Season. We supposedly have all our questions answered. I'm SO excited for the premiere next Tuesday. It's great that the shows creators opted for the show to end on its own terms instead of dragging out until it was ultimately canceled (like The O.C. - RIP.) I'm sure ABC wants Lost to stay around. Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof said no though and apparently have had the ending set in stone since season 3 (which is really weird because it seemed like season 3 they were stalling)
This probably won't be my first Lost post before the season starts. So for this one, I'm going to post 3 (out of a possible 1000) things I need to know - and what I think - before the show is over.
Overall Question 1) What is the deal with Jacob and his nemesis?
So clearly Jacob and his nemesis are clearly a good vs. evil metaphor. One wears white one wears black. Jacob seems nice and concerned and the nemesis only wants to kill Jacob but needs a loophole.
I believe - and so do many others - that the nemesis is the smoke monster, and he can assume the body of the people who die before they are on the island. My basis is clearly he's in Locke. Then when Ben went to the Temple, the smoke monster (via Alex) told him to trust Locke no matter what - setting up Locke ordering Ben to kill Jacob. Smokey was definitely involved in Mr. Eko's brother Yemi, because after Eko talks to "Yemi" the smoke monster kills Eko. I'm not sure what I think regarding Christian. Maybe it's Jacob. Maybe it's his nemesis. Maybe they rotate.
RANDOM QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS SITUATION - If Smokey is "inside" Locke in 2007 when he's at the smoke monster, who is in Christian in 2007 when talking to Sun? Is there a third variable? And what exactly are Jacob and his Nemesis? Are they gods? Egyptian Gods? Anubis? What role do Illana and Bram play - are they like worshipers of Jacob? How do they know about the Island? What happened to the statue?
Overall Question 2) The Black Rock & Richard Alpert
How did the Black Rock ever get that far in the middle of the island? The only logical (and normal) possibility is that a storm lifted it (maybe the same storm that broke the statue/the black rock broke the statue because of the storm/dynamite????) However it's entirely possible that Jacob and/or his nemesis did something to bring it here. Maybe the nemesis brought it, used the dynamite to blow up the statue, but Jacob was still alive. It seems likely that the ship at the beginning of the last episode of season 5 was the Black Rock.
According to Lostpedia, The Black Rock was captained by Magnus Hanso, grandfather of Alvar Hanso, the main supporter of DHARMA. Is there any connection between Alvar knowing the island? Supposedly Magnus' burial site is at the Black Rock, so it can't be known if Alvar ever knew.
Now Ricard Alpert. Or Ricardus. I'm not sure. It's obvious that him and Jacob have some kind of a connection. Obviously I don't know what it is. It seems too easy to think that Richard was on the Black Rock. Given that the Black Rock was sometime in the 1800s and Richard is known by Illana and Bram as Ricardus (which is Latin) it makes sense to think he's from an even earlier time. What exactly is his role though? Is he just like Jacob's minion? Is Jacob like Yoda and Richard is a young Luke Skywalker? Well, that's a stretch, but I liked it. Does anyone else love the Star Wars references in Lost besides me? Some Like It Hoth. (I'm laughing on my end, which means you probably aren't)
Overall Question 3) The war between Ben and Charles Widmore - what is actually going on?
We've been told to trust neither of them. What are their actual intentions? I still really want to know if Widmore told Keamy to torch the island after they got Ben. It doesn't seem to make sense. Doesn't Widmore want to go back? Is he truly banned from coming back? How did he technically get removed as leader anyway? Who am I supposed to trust?
For some reason, I feel like Ben is the better of the two - with the best intentions of the island. That's also based on the fact that we don't see much of Widmore. He seems like he is more involved in getting as much information as possible in trying to bring down Ben. Ben just wants to be on the island in peace.
Something else I thought of after watching season 2 - what would the others do without Desmond? Did they know the significance of the button? If Desmond died, would they have stepped in and keep pressing it? Damon Lindelof says that the others 'probably didn't know,' so had Desmond died or quit or went insane, the island (and the world) would be destroyed. Supposedly. I'm thinking that if this were true then Widmore/Hawking would need to make more of an effort towards getting someone else on the island to keep the button pressed.
So that's what I'm thinking right now about Lost (another good day at work, right?) It's something that my brain obsesses over and I can't wait to see how it plays out.
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