SPOILER LOST SPOILER LOST. You're warned. I'll keep this one short cause I have other things to worry about this week (probably healthy to be honest)
Now that we've gotten past that moment, seriously, wasn't that episode awful? The name of the episode is "What Kate Does"--- what is Kate doing exactly?? Drive Claire to the Hospital? I'm pretty sure people were expecting everything BUT that. Seriously. She kills someone. Gets away. Jack saves her. I don't know, something more pro-active than being a chauffeur.
Is the "Does" part reflect to following Sawyer? Another non-active step to allow us see Sawyer drag out the loss of the only girl he ever loved - right? Or does/did he love Kate too? Hmmmm. Way too dragged out. Way too emotional. He had his moment in the last two episodes to be sad and then mad and then more sad. There's bigger things at stake here.
This Temple nonsense is straight-up bizarre. It's taken three years for us to get here, and I think everyone was expecting something other than this Dogan figure. He's mysterious, seems to be some sort of ninja, and very short with words (when he actually speaks English.) Of course, this sticks to the concept of Lost, that they reveal as little as possible to make people go nuts. It's working, but at a more frustrating level than usual. Given that it's THE FINAL SEASON TELEVISION EVENT SHA-BANG, I was hoping for more.
Was totally spot on about Sayid. Going to revise it a bit though: By drowning in the dark water, he is becoming essentially a disciple of Smokey. He doesn't know it. He had to die to be reborn. It's almost the concept of being like a zombie or ghost in human form. Sayid will quickly lose his memory (as Ben did when he was saved - in CLEAR-JACOB-APPROVED water) and live for Smokey - ideally, killing everyone inside the Temple.
What doesn't totally make sense is how Claire has been infected. Unless Christian/Smokey killed her when she chased after him, there must be another way to infect. Why wouldn't Smokey do this to everyone though? So did Claire die? Does Smokey have another outlet to infect? OR Is she even infected at all, or is Dogan BS-ing. Is Claire crazy like Rousseau (love the cyclical nature of the show - Rousseau is just like Claire in every way. Claire still being operated on by Ethan. Kate still being there for her birth. Smart guys write this show.)
This all has to be taken with a grain of salt because I personally don't know if I/we can trust Dogan/Templies because of their mysteriousness. Sure, Ben said that it was the safest place on the Island, and they should be very pro-Jacob, thus pro-life/saving Sayid/not lying to Losties, but something doesn't make sense. Or it's just Lost and I'm tired of it.
I'm looking forward to next week's episode - the way ABC promotes it, it seems like its going to be a 4 episode season. Way to milk it ABC.
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