So Jobs introduced all the new iPods. New Shuffle. New Nano. New Touch. Cool. Whatever. The Nano and Shuffle are so small. It's an amazing technological achievement, but it is not practical. Their too easy to lose, be stolen, disappear, whatever.
I guess I'm old school, but I always liked the old "Classic" iPod.
It's original. It's simple. It's the perfect size for my hand/pocket etc. I've said before how I've stocked up on too much music before, and have separation anxiety without having all of it. It's so stupid, but that's Apple's fault. They give you the option to have 160GB worth of music. And my iPod is my number two attachment behind my cell phone - so I need a really good reason to NOT have it with me all the time.
I don't need my iPod to do video. I don't give a damn. It's too small a screen, having to hold it at the right angle for an extended period of time, it's not worth it. If I'm going anywhere for an extensive period of time where I want to watch something, there's a good chance I'll have my laptop, with a much better screen.
Today was "an all new lineup" for the iPod "family" - but the Classic was left out. What's that about? I know it's hard to re-invent the wheel (pun intended) but there's got to be something. Put a camera on it. Radio FM player. Upgrade the operating system. Make it thinner. They make the iTouch thinner and add a camera, but can't do anything for the Classic. It's like they've left their first-born to live on its own. No more support, no more upgrades. Maybe that's why it's the Classic. It's sad. But it's fine. Don't fix what's broken. Not like Apple ever follows that policy.
I've got my 160GB iPod Classic, and also have an 8 GB iPod Touch. One gets more use than the other. It's not hard to guess which. Maybe old habits die hard, and maybe I'm stubborn, but I plan on using my old iPod until the thing literally dies on me, and hope that the Classic is still around when I need another one.
It'd be nice to see Apple not ignore their original child that is the sole reason Apple is what it is today, because I still think it's their best iPod out there. In the meantime, I'm souped about the iPad Printing feature, and when the new ones come out, I'm going to be in that long line. Can't wait.
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