This will probably offend almost 100% of my friends in relationships. Sorry.
I'm sick of people who turn their online presence into a dedication to their significant other. It actually disgusts me. There is so much more to you than just the person you're dating. It's just obnoxious. Does anyone really want to see 60 pictures in a row of you guys taking pictures of yourselves with one of you holding the camera facing yourselves? Maybe your parents. Most likely not your friends. There's a high likely hood it's going to annoy everyone. And taking pictures of yourself makes you look like losers. Can't you ask someone to take a picture?
When you're status/tweets consist of something like "with my boo" or "i love x" or "i don't know where i would be without x" or "i'm so bored x please come home" or "movie night with x" or "here's x's valentine's day gift!" "so glad my baby brought me soupy because im sicky and can't get out of bed :(," you are really pushing my limits for giving a damn. Part of that is the problem with social media - everyone thinks what they're doing is important, and it really isn't. I can't say I'm innocent here either - I'm sure not many really care about my thoughts/current happenings, but I try to limit things like that. I rarely share any of these posts to my networks, you came here yourself. You only have yourself to blame haha. I think I have some self control, but I'm sure someone can tell me differently.
[Random sidepoint - I'm tired of people tweeting their foursquare location when they are somewhere stupid - ANY coffee shop, the grocery store, work, their car, sitting in traffic, whatever. Try and retain some self control. No one cares if you are at Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks. Share the cool things - concerts, sporting events, swanky restaurants, the 'pocalpyses but no one wants to know you were getting your hair done on Twitter. Still check in - just don't over share.]
I'm not trying to be a Debbie Downer here, I understand you and your love are SO happy and want to take pix and write "i love you" on their wall etc. Just do it with some sort of control. Be more than just your girlfriend/boyfriend. Your friends distance themselves when you only have one person ever on your mind. And then the people wonder why they have no friends when they break up. People (mainly girls, but some dudes too) want to project this image that they are having a much better life than they really are. They want it to seem so glamorous and wonderful, they live this great life they travel to all of these places, have this wonderful other half, do all these fancy things, are "sophisticated," but it's all a facade. That's why people are crazy. They live on other planets.
I should admit, I've never been in a 'serious' relationship, so maybe I'm just bitter. It's something I really wanted in high school cause I was the only kid in my group without one, but by the end of college I was just whatever. It's dumb in college because college is so different than the real world. There's a break every 2 months, a 3 month break every summer, and after 4 years you will probably go your separate ways, seems like a waste of time. I've been meaning to write a post on my non-existent love life, but it's hard to write it without sounding like a total loser. This is probably as much from me as you'll get. Let me say this though: my friends with relationships say the happiest they've ever been is with so-and-so. My happiest-ever moments are Bruce Springsteen concerts and Red Sox championships. So far I've had 6 happiest moments in my life. 6 for 23 ain't bad. [Maybe this is why I'm alone......] Maybe when I do find a girl every post will be about this wonderful girl and how she brings me 'soupy when I'm sicky'. I'd like to think I won't. Someone hold this post against me if I do.
Anyways, this isn't about me, this is about you, love bird. To put it simply: control thyself. Everything you share doesn't need to be some inside joke. There's a reason some things are private and some things are public. There's a thin line where the outsider thinks "oh that's cute" and when they think "shut the F up." Less is more. You're doing everyone a favor.
Other random subpoint, and this is probably because I am on the outside and never experienced it personally, but isn't it even more ridiculous when couples break up online? The drama that comes with it: "She deleted our pictures. He defriended me. She defriended my friends. He doesn't follow me on Twitter anymore. She still has pictures of us, but I've moved on. I know he stalks everything I do, so I'm going to put pix up of me with another dude. She's dating someone else!?!?!" AHHHHH ITS SO STUPID. This is why you need to exhibit self control people. Otherwise you just look like an idiot to everyone.
Everyone have a good Valentine's Day!!!!!! #sarcasm!!!
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