But for real, I was trying to put together what exactly happened over 7 seasons. You could narrow it down to Vince and his success. But is the story really good? When was it good? Season 1 was the only time it was really worth anything. The focus was an emerging superstar taking his friends (and old decaying brother) to Hollywood with him for the ride.
After Season 1, there were expectations. There actually had to be a story that could continue the show. They had to out-do the previous season. And it continues to grow and make everything the previous season seem insignificant. But doing something "better" will make it less realistic/fun. It turned into just a gimmick. Everyone was mad that the Entourage was always succeeding no matter what, so then the writers had Vince take a downturn. Then he came back. Now he's a drug addict. The ride of up and down can only be done so many times before people lose interest.
So what about it was so captivating that we all need to watch it still? I think it's just to see where it ends. We've invested seven seasons into it, hoping for it to recapture the magic of the first season. Every now and then it does. Most times it doesn't. The thing that keeps it worthwhile is Ari and Drama jokes.
If you had to pick your favorite episode, what would it be? I don't think there's one that really stands out, which could mean two things: Every episode is great and flows together (like most great shows), or there isn't a single most memorable episode where you get excited when you see it on reruns.
I can think of funny moments. Ari with the paintball gun comes to mind. But I couldn't tell you what episode was really my favorite from season 2-7. That's sad. I've been thinking about rewatching it, but I just don't see any point. I think it's partially because I'm becoming a "tv snob" and enjoying the drama's more than the comedy's/dramedy's (I really can't stand that we made that a word. The English language breaks down more and more every day) and expect Entourage to be on the same language as The Wire and Breaking Bad. It isn't. It's not meant to be.
End of the day, Entourage is a fun show. That's it. Enjoy it. It's not great television, there's no amazing story arc that's going to make people go "damn, that's great." People will smile and enjoy the 25 minutes from it. That's really it. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Most of America doesn't want a show that makes them think too much. Let's hug it out.
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