On Monday, Tiger Woods held a press conference. Immediately following, Joslyn James held a similar press conference. One was broadcast on national television. The other was shown live on TMZ.com. Guess which one was which.
Joslyn James is seriously stretching this way too far. There's at least 12 people that have come forward to having an affair with Tiger - why do you have to be the loudest one? What good does it do to release Tiger's texts, show images of hotel room keys, flight confirmations, etc. ? We believe you. We believe everyone. We didn't want to - but now we do.
Today's second press conference was actually absurd. First of all, we criticized Woods for not speaking previously without a pre-mediated speech/interview, but then James can barely speak for herself. Instead, her attorney, Gloria Allred spoke, claiming Tiger owes Joslyn (and all the other people hurt) an apology - all because Tiger said text messages with content like "we'll have this forever." or "i love you."
Think about the texts for a few seconds.
How many times do you think people say that to each other, only to not say that a few months later? I believe the term for it is called a break-up. In situations where they are married, it's called divorce. I'm also almost entirely positive that it happens to just about everyone. And by "that" I don't mean cheating - I mean saying something (like 'I will always love you') and then probably a few days/weeks/months later not acting through on that - for whatever reason. It happens. It's common. People change. Emotions change. Situations change. Nothing is forever.
So instead, James and Allred are holding onto something that isn't - and probably wasn't - really there, and trying to get everyone else to care about their situation.
I think it's all a gimmick. I believe James may of had feelings for Tiger, but she's too mentally unstable to realize the situation and how it could really never work out. Tiger's got a wife and kids. He's got millions of dollars. He most likely didn't really care for her, he was just feeding her what he thought she wanted to hear so that he could get what he wanted. Sounds like most guys out there - right?
Let's be serious - James is an adult film star. There's nothing wrong with that, but I bet it's hard to "make it" in that field given the explosion of internet porn. She needs something to give her a boost. I don't know if this is it, but if that's what's going to take her to the top, she's made a name for herself. I don't know if being "the porn star that had an affair with Tiger Woods" is the label she'll want to carry the rest of her life, but she didn't ask me. Too late now.
Ultimately, she'll go back to porn. She says she's "considering" not doing it. She has to. That's all she's ever done. At the end of her "press conference" she stated that she would be "performing" at the local strip club during the week of the Masters. Way to promote yourself.
Either way, she had her time. It's over. Thanks for coming Joslyn, now go away. You aren't going to get an apology. Get back in reality, and get over it.
She's barking the loudest because she wants attention; pornstars generally do. Plus what pornstar doesn't dream of mainstream media attention. In her eyes that's probably as good as it gets.