It's starting to get serious. Really really serious. There's only like 300 some minutes left, and we still have SO MUCH TO FIND OUT.
Let's get started gang!!! (True Life - I'm Peter Klaven)
1) Flash sideways SLASH Desmond
Can't really figure out what is the deal here. The OT Desmond seems to be calm, collected, and care-free. He knows Locke isn't Locke.
I think (but it's a stab) is that Desmond is "aware" of the flash sideways timeline. He knows that something else is going on - and that he's the key to merging the two or some how affecting the outcome. So far, we've only seen people realize their alternate realities via near-death experiences, love, or constants.
Desmond is trying to help everyone realize their other selves. He helped Hurley follow Libby (which was such a corny storyline) and is doing something to Locke.
There's a few potential reasons that I'm pondering.
a) My original thought was that the timelines are connected. If Locke dies in the flash, he dies in the original. That doesn't sync up though, because Locke is already dead. Smokie has only taken his shape, not his body. So that doesn't totally work.
b) Locke in Flash Sideways needs to remember the island, so he can become "self aware" - the best way to make that happen is to have something traumatic happen to him, similar to when his father threw him out of the building.
c) Locke will have surgery from Jack, and their touch/interaction will spark the memories of them on the island - which will then lead Jack to become Jacob, and preserve the Island.
2) The Boy
WTF. Seriously. This was a different kid than we saw in The Candidate, but imdb says it's the same actor. The hair is definitely different for a reason though. Makes me think of a young Jacob/Smokie. But Desmond saw him too - is Desmond a candidate? Or is he just special?
The boy could be Aaron, or a young Desmond. Or maybe it's the higher power that Jacob and Smokie adhere to. More on that in another post.
3) The Well
Before I talk about the well, how the hell are we seeing all these things this year that the losties never found before? The lighthouse, Smokies cave, the Temple, this new well. How does that happen? I thought Sayid was some kind of explorer.
The Well HAS to be something, but what? Smokie mentioned the electromagnetism - similar to that in the Hatch/Orchid? Can Desmond move the Island or dig deeper to find the pocket to kill Smokey? (PS - Smokey or Smokie? I can't decide. Smoke is a strange word to say. Try it.) WHICH BRINGS ME TO ANOTHER IDEA ---> When the hatch detonated, shouldn't that have done something to Smokey? It's clear he can't get past the fence, so if a large pocket of electromagnetic energy is emitted, I would think this would do something to him.
random unimportant point - can Jack Bauer just come and drop an EMP ? Wouldn't that do it?
The well has some purpose. It's not just to hold Desmond until he's out. That's foolish. I don't think it's another donkey wheel - how many of those can we have? I think it's just a temporary prison until next week.
4) The Whispers
I'm REALLY unsure about this whole thing. It supposedly can't be Smokie - so far as Ilana knows - because he's supposedly stuck in his current form. Some questions I have:
Why is Hurley the only one that can see the dead people on the island?
Why wouldn't Libby come around to talk to Hurley?
They aren't just stuck on the Island - Hurley saw Ana Lucia off the Island.
It doesn't explain Yemi.
How is Isabella on the Island?
Why was Walt able to do the same things? Where is Walt?
Where/How do these spirits determine when to come out and be visible and where do they go?
Charlie was off the island playing checkers with Hurley. How.
So I don't know what Michael is doing, but I feel like it's not legitimate. I'm not convinced the plane is the way off the Island. Last I remember, it was broken in the cockpit, probably doesn't have enough fuel, and the runway most likely isn't long enough. ALSO HOW DID BEN KNOW TO MAKE A RUNWAY IN THE FIRST PLACE - INTERESTING STUFF.
Maybe if Smokie were to leave, the dead spirits would be free as well. OR another thought - maybe Desmond ignites an electromagnetic release that would stop the plane from crashing - bringing his purpose full circle. He brought 815 here, now he would bring the plane that would destroy the world down.
So what's the point of Michael coming out now? Hurley's been back on the island for a little bit now, but then again I don't know how you count the "being in 1977" thing on the time line.
Lastly I was so souped by the Bruce references - Spanish Johnny's and Rosalita. Good work by the writers - as if I need another reason to love the show.
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