1) Breaking Bad
Easily the show I'm most interested in, but that's not saying much. I really like Breaking Bad. I don't watch it as if I'm on the edge of my seat and am imagining scenarios like I would with LOST. I probably never will reach that LOST level crazy - that's probably a good thing too.
What I like about BB is that they set an end date for the series after next season, so they know when can appropriately time it out. I don't really know what's going to happen. I do enjoy watching it and agree that it's the best written show on TV right now. The show will be more satisfying in the long run than season to season because of how Walt "breaks bad" and goes from terminally ill boring teacher to a murdering drug lord making $7.5 million a year to cook the best meth in New Mexico. My gut says it will end with Walt being caught or killed. We shall see what happens.
I'm annoyed with how sometimes it feels like it's moving too slow, but if you were to watch the previews for next week it's like the storylines are (finally) going to collide. Eventually they have to. That's the whole point of the show. But if you watch the previews, you'd think Gus and Walt will meet face to face and there will be guns involved - which has been far from the case.
2) True Blood
After a lackluster season 3, this season has been at least more interesting. I'm really not invested at all in any of the storylines outside of the witch/vampire thing. The Eric/Sookie thing felt like a let down after three season of building tension because Eric wasn't the Eric that girls swoon over. I don't care about Jessica and Hoyt/Jason. The whole Lafayette being possessed by a baby was an annoying storyline that would of been more satisfying if it was the ghost of the dude from season 1 or something.
When this season started I was annoyed that they were adding more supernatural creatures, but they've done a nice job of keeping it interesting. That episode where Marnie casts the spell to kill all vampires was one of the best moments of the series - I think. Honestly nobody should listen to my commentary about this show because I usually don't give it my 100% attention. Now I'm rambling.
3) Entourage
Ugh. I could sum it up there, but I feel compelled to write more.
This season is a fraud. It's all predicated on the "need" to have a new season. THEY DEDICATED ONE ENTIRE EPISODE - which was a nauseatingly short 22 minutes - TO A PISS TEST. It's been so dissatisfying. I feel like I'm only watching it out of "need" to see what happens because I've invested so much time into this show/characters.
Thanks to HBO GO, I've seen the second to last episode of the series. I won't ruin the surprise, but it involves Sloan and Eric - which unfortunately is the only quasi-interesting storyline this season. Ari and Mrs. Ari? Just seems like a mess. Drama's drama with Dice Clay? More whatever. The whole "Vince had an epiphany in rehab, wrote a script that sucks and now is trying to get Drama a Movie of the Week" line is miserable. Turtle is just a prop to get cameo celebrity spots.
The last and final episode I'm sure will right the ship. Ari and Mrs. Ari will get back together. Eric and Sloan will be back together. Vince will get a movie opportunity of a lifetime. Drama's show will be green lit for a second season. Turtle's business will pick up. It'll end how it always does - with people feeling good. It's sad to see the show end, but it can't go on forever. The nature of the show gets boring after the same thing happens over 90 some odd episodes. The roller coaster ride of success-fail-success-fail is done.
4) Jersey Shore
Everyone says this season sucks. I don't know if it sucks, it just feels like not much is happening. It sounds like the producers struggled to get enough content to make a season. But what did they expect? Sending them to a country where these morons can't speak to the locals, can't make pizza, suffer from separation anxiety because the furthest they've been from home was season 2 in Miami.
The Ronnie/Situation fight was a letdown, mainly because Situation caused himself the most damage than anyone else with the headbutt against the wall, and then security stepping in the way. I don't understand how security can interrupt that fight but doesn't interrupt the girls. At the same time, I think Ronnie could do one more damage with the infamous "One Shot" than Snooki could do with her lobster arms.
I would think the show would be more interesting if they kept playing the language barrier. I'm sure there is footage that everyday Snooki not understanding what some boy is saying to her. That's another uninteresting aspect of this season - Jenni and Snooki with boyfriends. Seeing Snooki trying to get boys dudes at the club was a stupid fun part of the gig.
I pray Ronnie and Sam is over. I don't think it is. It can't be as long as they are always around each other. It's not their fault. It's clear it won't work out, but it's clear they can't avoid each other, and thats the fault of the show. It's too bad, because Single Ronnie - which is so ridiculous that we have this concept - is one of the more humorous things. Watching him stumble and "dance," speak incoherent English, steal shots, it's hysterical.
Whether the season sucks or not won't make a difference - people will watch. It's the highest rated show every week. We're invested in these idiots. They'll be back in Jersey whenever that premieres, who knows what's after that.
6) Curb Your Enthusiasm
For whatever reason I haven't seen the last few episodes. Just lazy I guess. But what's more interesting is that Larry David is writing his best stuff still at season 8. How many shows can say that? Certainly not Entourage. Most shows don't make it this late while still seeing such success. Larry is honestly at the top of his game. It's hyserical.
7) Mad Men
I miss you.
Sir, you are wrong about Entourage. While, yes, I will admit it is more of the same, I will not admit it is not being done well. I was very uninterested in this season going in, and it has drawn me in every damn episode - to the point where I almost got a boner when I realized I got to watch 2 episodes yesterday.
ReplyDeleteYou're discounting the Ari storyline so much. We have spent 7 seasons watching this guy be frigin king, and you're seeing an amazing character change this year...he's so damn vulnerable, I LOVE it. You're focusing on the storylines and not the emotion and how the characters are changing.
I will agree, the turtle storyline is boring. People don't just all of a sudden go from a wannabe bum to some rich entrepreneur. SO, yes, that is a made up dumb storyline to create a few minutes of content during the show. But you can never get tired of Drama, and you're also leaving out Billy Walsh. Love that dude.
But the biggest judge of how good they are doing, is are they able to do what they've been doing for the past 7 seasons - end an episode with me saying "FUCK" because now I have to wait a week to see what happens? That is still happening, at least for me.
And as far as Jersey Shore goes...I agree, the producers are at fault. This could have been a good season, I really think it could have. I just don't know what they needed to do different...that's why they get paid and I don't...but they could have done SOMETHING different...you want to talk about more of the same...Jersey Shore is the new American Idol. Also agree about Jenni and Schnooks (as Ronni would say) having boyfriends. BORRING