Thursday, September 8, 2011

Obama's Last Stand

Insert typical "I don't know everything about politics but I hate the system" speech here.

I generally like Barack Obama. Or I thought I did. He had the charisma that seemed like he could lead a country (as opposed to McCain). He's lost a little bit of that "swag" as the kids are calling it.

Truth is, he's not following through on everything he promised. And to be fair, it's a hard system for anything to get accomplished. People can talk a big game about 50 different issues, but for that issue to actually pull through? Much more complicated. Talk is cheap. These politicians will say anything to get your vote. Most people don't understand how difficult it is for bills to actually pass (although maybe they do following the potential default) through the various halls of congress.

I was watching the Republican debate last night. Well, to be honest, I was also doing my fantasy football draft and was talking to my friends on the phone. But I did hear the conversation about border patrol, and I was just getting nauseous listening to these politicians talking about their plan for border control. Everything sounds good, but to pull it off? Not possible. Financially. Resources can't be expended. Etc. And all these politicians are saying is "Put up a 90 foot fence, feet on the ground, have UAVs flying in the air, use satellite technology." All sounds good. But not easily pulled off. How much will that cost?

The other problem I had with the debate? The stories these idiots would tell. "I was talking to a farmer on Pluto who is losing his farm to homeowners." It's not last night's fault - that's the BS of politics. I get it, but I can't tolerate it. Let it die. Stop blowing us around.

Anyway, tonight is Obama's jobs speech. He's feeling the pressure because there's 9% of the country unemployed (including me). I'm curious to hear what he has to say, but I doubt this speech will actually do much of anything. Again, talk talk talk. Put $300 billion (where does this money come from again?) into the economy. From what I understand, jobs are the last thing to see an increase in a growing economy. Companies need to feel stable, which comes from consumers spending comfortably.

Ultimately, this is going to cost Obama the Presidency. People are angry. People are tired. People are depressed. I'm all those any more. It's awful. I don't entirely blame Obama. I think our system is so large, convoluted, corrupt, that it can't work. Everyone wants to make their personal statement. Their personal stand. Republicans have been working to repeal Obamacare
since it started. Forget Obamacare - fix the economy. Or do something, for God's sake. America has a lot of work to do to restore it's reputation.

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