Monday, December 20, 2010

1 Year of Blogging - Thank You

I haven't been sure how to write this, but I thought I should. It's going to be a mess.

I started this blog as a pre-cursor to a class I was taking at BU. Call it getting a head start. Whatever. I didn't really know what it would be or where it would go. I still don't really. It really started from my close friend Jens who said he was starting a blog. He didn't. I'm 99% sure he doesn't read this. He's a good friend I swear. Jens, if you read this, you're going down in fantasy this week.

Like I said, I had no real plan for this blog. Still don't really. It's honestly just my soap box for me to talk about whatever I want. It's been one of the most cathartic things I think I can do for myself. Just write and write about what's on my mind. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's not. Either way, it's on my mind, and it's healthy to write it out/express all your feelings/thoughts/emotions. Clearly there's still some things about me that may not make it here - too much opening up for everyone to see, but I still enjoy this.

What has surprised me the most is the outpouring of people who have told me how good they think it is and love my blog etc etc. It's surprising and awesome at the same time. I cannot thank you enough. This isn't meant to be mean, but the randomness of the people I hear from is amazing. People I haven't talked to in the longest time or at all. Or through a friend of a friend. Every now and then I'll get a FB msg or IM that is like "I really love your blog" or "that post you wrote on X was so good. " It's always great to hear support for something you do.

I think every writer (not that I really consider myself a writer, but I do write) is cursed to hate his/her work. Maybe it's the self-pessimist in them. Looking back, there aren't many posts that I'm like "wow, I really kicked ass on that one." Yet the one's I don't like are the one's I've gotten the most reception to - which is great. I truly do appreciate that you guys find me entertaining enough to read on a consistant basis. Since usually these posts are just for me to express myself and for me to write my thoughts down.

I'm not sure why I'm writing this part, but I'm going to anyway: People have asked me how I think of ideas to write. Since I started the blog I've tried to think of an idea every day - no matter how bad it was - and to just start writing. Given that it's been a year and I've only written 100 some posts, only about 30% see the light of day. Some I really hate and can't post it. Some I can't finish in time and lose their mojo because I take too long (I was going to write a post about how Twitter broke the Cliff Lee story, but by the time I finished it was already Saturday). Some just really suck. There's really no other way I can write it. I'll try and think and get writer's block and it doesn't stand a chance. Some day's don't get an idea - as you can tell I went through a summer where the last thing on my mind was this blog.

There's some posts that are easy slam dunks - TV is always easy to write about. Lost always seemed to be easy to write about. Know what's funny about that? I haven't even thought about that damn island since I watched Season 6. Yet if you read these post you'd think I had nightmares about Ben Linus killing me in my sleep.

But there are those posts where I come up with ideas as I write and find it's usually the best idea I've had in a while - which isn't saying a lot. I really liked my "Our country was founded on religious toleration yet the religions we tolerate can't tolerate the ideals of our nation." sentence. I do have moments of brilliance that even astonish me.

Okay, I'm starting to turn this into the Pat Awards Show. That wasn't my goal. This post is just a thank you to all the supporters, I can't really put into words how much it means to me. And to that one "anonymous" hater who commented that I'm a *insert homophobic slur here* and should move out of my mom's basement, I'll have you know I'm moving out next week. Thank you to you specifically for your motivation. I couldn't of done it without you. I only hope you'll leave your name next time. Where's the fun in being an asshole online when you're anonymous? Have some balls kid.

PS that remark was serious, someone did say that. I did delete it. Sorry, I didn't feel like having trash on here. I hope we can still be friends.

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