Monday, June 6, 2011

Weiner Massacre

I'm a little late on this post. I don't care. It's my blog and I'll do what I want.

Last week was really Weiner-mania. I never heard of this putz until last week, because I hate politics. You should too. This is absurd. This guy wants to be mayor of NYC? Good luck bro. I'm still voting for The Rent Is Too Damn High guy. Because I'm tired of paying my rent. Sucker eats half my salary. Anyway.

Someone somehow put a picture up of him naked on Twitter and sent it to some random girl. It was deleted. Twitter accidents happen. I made them for my clients. (Albeit mine were tweets about Star Wars, but..) So you delete it and move on. However this one didn't end. All last week Weiner was giving interviews to talk about it. The best line from all of it? "I can't confirm if that is a picture of me or not."

mmmmm, what?

Basically, he's confirming he has (or someone might) have pictures of Weiner's Weiner. Queue the Weiner's Weiner jokes. NY tabloids must of been having a field day.

What does this really say? Unfortunately, while technology is bringing out all these great new advances in knowledge and communication, it also allows our human nature (read: libido) to do whatever sounds good at the time. Alcohol usually helps influence these decisions. And that usually involves taking pictures and sending them out to people. Or making tapes.

Look at all the celebrities that have done it. Blake Lively the most recent idiot. Greg Oden's a personal favorite as a joke. Kardashian. Paris Hilton. Chris Brown. Brett Favre. Rihanna. I'm sure there are several more I'm not even aware of. I'm also sure that these are some of the few to "get caught." And then there are the "normal" everyday people. Who send it to whoever. And you hear about the 14 year old girl who commits suicide because pictures of her spread across the school (can't find the link, but a story very similar happened). Human nature has no control. Technology has more problems than solutions sometimes.

Me personally? I'm not participating in any of it. I'm not just saying that either because I'm blogging about it. I have good reasons (I wouldn't want to look at a picture of myself, why would someone girl?). It's not like I'm "too smart" for it. My life just doesn't go down that road. And I'm totally fine with it. Although it would be cool to be a celebrity and have tons of money, I'm over it. Life is good.

As far as the rest of these idiots, I don't expect it to stop anytime soon. And until there's pictures of January Jones or the T-Mobile girl? I'm just going to keep laughing at these stupid stories and these lame attempts to cover it up and act as though it's a fake.

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