Tuesday, March 9, 2010


It's Tuesday after 10, and I'm home on Spring Break. There isn't much else to do BUT blog.

BEFORE WE GET INTO TONIGHT'S EPISODE -- I watched last week's again at the 8PM slot and it said that Smokey had recruited Kate. CHANGE FROM PREVIOUS BELIEF.

So tonight's Lost was VERY subliminal. Alot of things were said but not alot of time was given to the time to analyze. But I believe it was very revealing at the same time.

What we learned:

1) Jack is learning his importance (as Jacob believed he would following the Lighthouse incident) and is gaining confidence in his abilities and wants to stand up for the fight. That's why he was so confident that the dynamite would not explode.

2) The Flash Sideways is quickly becoming the timeline of people getting a second chance to help those they care about - but from a distance. We saw it last week with Sayid. We see it this week with Ben. He wanted to help Alex so badly he didn't blackmail the principal. I'm led heavily to believe that he blackmailed Widmore previously to get off the island. I'm still not sure how this applies to Hurley being lucky, but that's just how it seems.

The question is how much to the Losties know the difference i.e. if Ben is given the chance to bring Alex back to a normal life, does he live knowing the consequences that he can never be her father? Or does he just have some unconscious attraction to her that he can't explain? Similar question for Sayid and Nadia.

P.S. Alex looked SO MUCH HOTTER than she ever did on the Island. I'm not sure if she's growing up or it was make up or what, but I was surprised. ALSO --- WHERE IS DANIELLE IN THIS EQUATION?

3) Alpert came from the Black Rock (SOMETHING I CONFIRMED EARLIER) -- BUT why this is important is because when Smokey first spoke to Alpert post-Jacob's death, he said "It's nice to see you free of those chains." Meaning --> Smokey saw Alpert as a slave on the Black Rock. Smokey wasn't on the Black Rock because he saw it coming to the Island with Jacob. But he had seen Alpert somehow.

What we need to know:

1) Following off point number one from earlier, Richard said, whoever is touched by Jacob cannot die by their own hand. My initial assumption was then that Michael had to be touched by Jacob at some point. But not EVERYONE that came to the island was touched by Jacob. Hell, Sayid & Hurley were touched after they were off the island the first time. So what exactly does this do? Is Jack/Hurley/Kwons/Kate/Sawyer destined to live forever as long as they stay on the island similar to Alpert?

2) Smokey's real plan

What exactly is his deal? He told Sawyer that the island doesn't need a protector. He told Ben that someone would need to be there when Smokey and his recruits leave. Why the flip flop? Is Ben even a candidate? What's the reality? Why didn't Smokey kill what's left of Illana/Team Jacob? It would be a pretty easy Smoke through. That perplexes me the most.

3) Illana's plan

Illana was furious about Ben killing Jacob, but then she accepted that Ben was mad at himself - with good reason. So now what? How exactly can she protect the candidates from Smokey? She needs more than a gun. But she also mentioned that Jacob was like a father to her, so I'm sure she knows a lot more than we think.

4) The Island in the Flash Sideways

Ben's dad (who is still alive in the alternate timeline) mentioned DHARMA and the Island. So it existed at some point. At some point they left (obviously) and the Island is now underwater. How? Why? What? Who? Hanh? Was it by Jughead being set off that caused the island to implode therefore DHARMA still existed but Oceanic 815 never crashed. The timeline we're in still happens because that was their present. The Flash is what happens if the Island went underwater. Danielle never comes, Alex is therefore not on the Island.

5) Widmore

Obviously this was the bombshell at the end of the episode. How did Widmore find the Island? What's his plan? The line "There's people on the Island, should I stop?" makes me think that Widmore has some plan to destroy the island/self-destruct because the "wrong side" is going to win and Widmore needs to prevent that from happening.


I had a revelation that I firmly believed when I first saw the episode. Since then (only a hour later) I've kind of had a change of heart, but I'm still throwing it out there anyway, because it's fun to take a stand. If I'm wrong, I'll edit this post and you'll never know.

What was important in this episode was two crucial things: Jack acknowledging his higher-calling following the Lighthouse, and Smoke Monster's offer to Ben to stay on the Island and protect it. You can almost feel the good vs. evil vibe. It's great. I'm also probably wrong because somehow the Flash sideways is supposed to intercede with the current. But I really believed it.

I think Widmore throws a cog in that potential plan, but every episode I get more and more excited to see how it plays out. It's my anti-drug. So come May, I'll NEED to find a new anti-drug.

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