Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Looking at Boston's "Aquapacalypse" from a PR Perspective

Well, the crisis is finally over. It took a little over 60 hours. It was painful, unpleasant, etc. Yet it provided me with some perspective. At my current internship, we represent several restaurants and service clients. How can we produce some positive press for our clients out of a disastrous situation?

I spoke with my boss yesterday about it, and it helped me realized what he specifically did. First he called his specific clients and asked what they were doing - covering their tracks ensuring for no bad press, but then also making suggestions for an example of how the company can go above and beyond and build a better reputation.

In the example of one of our hotel clients, they had one of the more serious responsibilities of informing & providing their guests with the information and water to maintain a pleasant stay. For our restaurants, they had to adapt to making sure they could cook and provide their guests water as well. For one of our bigger clients - a coffee company - everyone was literally DEPRIVED. (I'm really glad I never drink coffee. I was just water-deprived rather than coffee. Water is my coffee.) So today they'll be going around the city giving out coffee to everyone as a thank you for tolerating the lack of coffee - which is a very appropriate gesture.

My point is - there's always another opportunity out there. It's PR's job to take advantage of them. I'm excited about getting started.

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